Oil Paintings
If you are looking for an original oil painting, Watergate Art has a diverse range for sale from established and emerging artists around the world.
When we think of classic art, oil paintings often come to mind, thanks to the masterpieces of Renaissance giants like Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Titian, Rubens, and Rembrandt. Their groundbreaking work with oil paints not only shaped the art world but also continues to inspire countless modern artists today.
At our gallery, we invite you to explore our extensive collection of original oil paintings, each crafted by talented emerging artists from around the globe. Whether you're drawn to the rich textures and vibrant colours that only oil paints can provide, or you’re seeking a unique piece to complement your personal style, our selection has something to offer.
If you’re looking for paintings of a particular style, sign up for our free Art Advisory service and work one-on-one with an expert art curator to find the perfect work for you.
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